1759 Q Street NW
Washington, DC 20009

202-667-5041 (phone)
202-667-0532 (fax)
Appointment Information
Appointment times are the expected arrival time for check-in. After check-in you will be seen by the Phlebotomist, your Medical Assistant for the day, and then by your Doctor after laboratory work and any procedures have been completed. Expect that your total time in the office will be approximately 2 hours. from arrival to departure.
If you contact us directly for an appointment, the Front Desk staff will do their best to accommodate your appointment preferences based on available appointment times. The Front Desk staff will send you an email with the appointment information if you have provided your email address.
Follow-up appointments are frequently scheduled at the conclusion of your visit. If an appointment time has been agreed upon, the date and time for which you are scheduled is printed on the coversheet of the medical records the physician gives to you. Please note this appointment in your personal calendar.
You will receive an email and text reminder 7 days prior to your appointment and then a second email/text 3 days before your appointment. Please be sure that our email address is in your computer address book so that it does not go to the spam/junk mail folder, (but it is useful to check your “junk” folder). If you do not have an email on file with our office you will receive a phone call from our staff one business day before your appointment.
Sometimes patients come in prior to the prescheduled appointment. If this is the case, please ask our Front Desk staff to review the schedule with you at the time of the visit. It may be that you wish to change the prescheduled appointment since you came to the office sooner.
When we schedule your appointment, we are reserving time for you that cannot be offered to another patient with an urgent need. If you find that you cannot keep the appointment, please contact our office via email, text, or telephone to reschedule or cancel the appointment.
Reminders are sent by email and text message 30 days before an appointment and then 7 days before, 24 hours before, and 1 hour before the appointment.
The charge for a missed appointment is $250.00 for patients who do not show up or contact us 24 hours before the appointment.