1759 Q Street NW
Washington, DC 20009

202-667-5041 (phone)
202-667-0532 (fax)
The District of Columbia is a participant in a nationwide program to increase public awareness and encourage members of the public to make known their end of life preferences. "M.O.S.T." stands for Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment. This document provides guidance to first responders (EMS), treating physicians, ER personnel, and, of course, your loved ones as to your wishes at the time of a life-threatening emergency or illness. Such decisions are best made when you are well and healthy so that should such an event occur, it is clear what you prefer.
A completed M.O.S.T. document does not take the place of an Advance Directive, but if you have an Advance Directive, the M.O.S.T. document should indicate the same preferences to avoid confusion. On the other hand, if you do not have an Advance Directive, the M.O.S.T. document should provide sufficient guidance as to your wishes.
Both M.O.S.T. and Advance Directives are not "written in stone." The choices you make in your 20's or 30's may not be the same choices in your 40's, 60's or 90's!! So, it is important to review these documents periodically over the course of your adult life so that YOUR PREFERENCES are honored when you cannot speak for yourself.
Click the PDF icon below for the MOST form to complete for your personal records and give to our office for storage in your medical file. For more information: DC website for more information about MOST.
As with all LEGAL documents, consult your personal attorney or legal advocate regarding M.O.S.T. and Advance Directives.